PhotoShop Skills UP! XD

Got no LED 😦 so i juz use photoshop on the eye.. to have a glowy look ^^. and used a Special effects brush to have that foggy look or maybe snow storm ^^

Extra Touch Ups

For this post, I used Black Gundam Marker. So i followed the tutorial in the instruction manual from Forever Gundam since GPB kits give good ideas to touch up Model kits ^^. so what i used are Cotton Bud and Tissue. MArked the placed and then used the Cotton bud to brush it down. i used on the shield chest and the Rest of the Armor Sections

Closer View on the legs

HG GPB Forever Gundam review 2

this post what i did was made the FUNNELS FLY XD FLY!!!!!! anyways.. i used SF Dragoon Holders 😛 thank GOd It Fits 😛 XD.. anyways.. 1 more review on this and I’m Done..well not done collecting Gundam of courses 😛 now wanna find GPB Sazabi (or maybe juz buy the original and paint it :P) and Super ZAku II

HGGPB Forever Gundam Review 1

Finally Finished Building Forever Gundam… it was a drag cuz i was doing other stuff :P. anyways.. i enjoyed building this kit.. disappointment was the toothpick Beam Saber ==” but is okay. though cuz i managed to find a substitute by using HGUC Unicorn’s Beam Saber. and Thank GOD IT FITS!!!!!!!!  2 more reviews shall be posted on MOnday 😛